COVID-19 Update 7.10.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and in good health. We would like to provide you with a two-part update regarding our Charge Nurse who tested positive for the virus and regarding a Resident who tested positive at the hospital last night after being sent to the hospital for Covid-like symptoms.

Regarding the Charge Nurse who tested positive, she is currently still in isolation, and will continue to be for the remainder of her isolation period per CDC guidelines. We have every reason to hope that she’ll be able to make a full recovery and will be able to return to continue to take care of our Residents and continue to fight the good fight right beside the rest of our countless committed Healthcare Workers around the World right now. We encourage our readers to keep our Charge Nurse in your prayers.

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COVID-19 Update 7.05.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We would like to inform you that we had one of our Charge Nurses on Willow Bend 2 test positive for Covid. The Charge Nurse was well versed in Covid symptoms and was able to self-identify that she needed to immediately remove herself from Resident care areas; the Nurse was tested and was encouraged to self-quarantine in her home for a minimum of 10 days and could then return after being symptom free for 72 hours per CDC guidelines.
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