COVID-19 Update 8.14.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

We would like to inform you that we had two Staff Members on Second Floor test positive for Covid. Though experiencing mild symptoms, the Charge Nurse was well versed in Covid symptomology and was able to self-identify that he needed to distance himself from the building. A CNA also tested positive for Covid without symptoms and is feeling well at this time; the facility will collaborate with the lab to do a PCR to verify the rapid test result. The Charge Nurse was encouraged to self-quarantine in his home for a minimum of 10 days and could then return after being symptom free for 72 hours per CDC guidelines. The CNA has also been encouraged to self-quarantine pending the final PCR lab result. Read more

COVID-19 Update 8.06.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Residents, Family, Patients and Staff:

We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and in good health. It’s been unfortunate to see that Covid Cases in our County have been consistently rising. We went from Green to Yellow based on the information provided to us by Johnson County Department of Health positivity rates. We have increased Staff Covid testing as required by the Department of Health. Read more