Tag Archive for: CDC

COVID-19 Update 8.14.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

We would like to inform you that we had two Staff Members on Second Floor test positive for Covid. Though experiencing mild symptoms, the Charge Nurse was well versed in Covid symptomology and was able to self-identify that he needed to distance himself from the building. A CNA also tested positive for Covid without symptoms and is feeling well at this time; the facility will collaborate with the lab to do a PCR to verify the rapid test result. The Charge Nurse was encouraged to self-quarantine in his home for a minimum of 10 days and could then return after being symptom free for 72 hours per CDC guidelines. The CNA has also been encouraged to self-quarantine pending the final PCR lab result. Read more

COVID-19 Update 8.06.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Residents, Family, Patients and Staff:

We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and in good health. It’s been unfortunate to see that Covid Cases in our County have been consistently rising. We went from Green to Yellow based on the information provided to us by Johnson County Department of Health positivity rates. We have increased Staff Covid testing as required by the Department of Health. Read more

COVID-19 Update 7.10.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and in good health. We would like to provide you with a two-part update regarding our Charge Nurse who tested positive for the virus and regarding a Resident who tested positive at the hospital last night after being sent to the hospital for Covid-like symptoms.

Regarding the Charge Nurse who tested positive, she is currently still in isolation, and will continue to be for the remainder of her isolation period per CDC guidelines. We have every reason to hope that she’ll be able to make a full recovery and will be able to return to continue to take care of our Residents and continue to fight the good fight right beside the rest of our countless committed Healthcare Workers around the World right now. We encourage our readers to keep our Charge Nurse in your prayers.

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COVID-19 Update 7.05.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We would like to inform you that we had one of our Charge Nurses on Willow Bend 2 test positive for Covid. The Charge Nurse was well versed in Covid symptoms and was able to self-identify that she needed to immediately remove herself from Resident care areas; the Nurse was tested and was encouraged to self-quarantine in her home for a minimum of 10 days and could then return after being symptom free for 72 hours per CDC guidelines.
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COVID-19 Update 5.03.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We are certainly very grateful that our County has been consistently in the lowest tier of Covid Positivity Rate. Though Covid has substantially diminished in our area, there are other parts of the United States and the World that are beginning to get another wave of this virus. Though we feel hopeful, we encourage everyone to remain diligent with the safety practices we’ve put in place to help keep our Residents, Patients, Family Members, Staff and community as Covid free as possible. Read more

COVID-19 Update 3.26.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We couldn’t be happier to have seen many of our Residents reconnecting under one roof with family and friends; this re-opening and Resident outings opportunity could not have come soon enough. Please remember to schedule your visits or Resident outings at least a day in advance to ensure we can accommodate your scheduled visit as best as possible or have your Resident/Love One ready for an outing. Read more

Visitation Re-Opening Update


Visitation Re-Opening Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We couldn’t be happier to have seen many of our Residents reconnecting under one roof with family and friends; this re-opening could not have come soon enough.

Unfortunately, just like with anything new, we did run across a few concerns that we would like to make everyone aware of. For the time being, we cannot host children or pets as visitors; we understand how crushing this is and we certainly empathize. We are also emphasizing two visitor per Resident at this time. Please remember to schedule your visit a day in advance to ensure we can accommodate your scheduled visit as best as possible. Read more

Vaccine Celebration

Protected together! With the recent introduction of the COVID-19 Vaccines, resident and staff covid cases have dropped by over 50%. Our team is honored to do our part in helping to end this year long pandemic.


COVID-19 Updates 1.5.21


Re: COVID-19 Updates

Vaccines & Consents


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff;

We are happy to report that we’ve been given a confirmed date from CVS/Vaccine provider that they will be on-site on the 11th of this month (January) commencing at 10:00am to administer Covid-19 Vaccinations! Yes folks, we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. It is certainly exciting to be a part of a modern day miracle.

It is up to all of us to make this process go as smoothly as possible given the number of consents/paperwork we have to obtain (both for Residents and Staff) and the short amount of time we have to be able to show proof of consents for everyone that will be participating. It is your individual right to choose not to participate, but it is mandatory to have a consent declination on file should you choose not to participate (Residents and Staff).

There is a planned date for our vendor to return to catch people who were indisposed due to a medical appointment like dialysis for example. The goal is to complete everyone who would like to participate on the 11th with very little wiggle room. We are unsure of if/when our vendor will return again after that, as vaccines will then be directed to the next category of citizens in accordance with our Government’s plan of vaccine deployment. If you decided not to participate in the first round and change your mind, or you were unable to make yourself present and you’d like to participate, the responsibility will fall on you to seek for other available ways to obtain your vaccination. We are very fortunate to have been chosen to partake in the first round of vaccinations and we are encouraging everyone to participate on the 11th.

We have begun to deliver information about the vaccine in the building. There’s a Q&A informational sheet attached to this letter that we encourage you to read and consider along with a copy of the consent which must be filled out either accepting or declining the vaccine. We ask that you complete your consent form immediately upon receipt of this letter and return it to anyone of our Clinical Staff members, or HR/Front Desk for Staff/Responsible Parties (e.g. POA’s, Family Member, etc.), by end of day Thursday 1/7/2021. For Responsible Parties, Families of Residents, simply email us with the name of your loved one and your choice; and we’ll be more than happy to complete the consent form for you. If your family member (Resident) is able to give consent, we will speak with them directly. We would like to remind you that insurance will be billed; so there’s no cost to our Residents or Staff. For individuals who are not insure the cost of the vaccine will be covered.

Again, our top priority is keeping our Residents and Staff as safe as possible. We appreciate your discipline, dedication, and grace throughout this vaccination process. We would also appreciate your sense of urgency and speediness in completing the form and submitting it promptly by end of day Thursday 1/7/2021. Thank you!


At your service,

The Leadership Team at Shawnee PARC


COVID-19 Updates 12.30.20


Re: COVID-19 Updates


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Friends;

First of all, we would like to thank you once again for your continued confidence to care for your loved one and for supporting us in our efforts during this pandemic. In our commitment to keep you updated as we navigate through this pandemic, we would like to inform you that all of our Staff and Residents continue to be tested at least weekly per Johnson County Department of Health guidelines. The Staff who’ve been positive have been quarantined from the facility and have been followed closely by our Certified Infection Control Clinician. The very few Residents who’ve become positive since the beginning of this pandemic we’re successfully transitioned to our Covid Unit without further spread. We have been blessed we’ve not had a facility-wide outbreak like many living centers have experienced throughout our State and Country. We are very grateful to our Infection Control team for leading us thus far with such discipline and care for everyone in Shawnee PARC. Read more