COVID-19 Update 1.1.22


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

On behalf of Shawnee PARC, we wish all of you a Happy New Year! We once again want to thank you for your continued confidence to care for your loved ones and for supporting us in our efforts during this pandemic. We would also like to thank you for your diligence in promoting safety practices throughout this Pandemic and your continued discipline with mask wearing, social distancing, and hand washing.

We would like to provide you with an update regarding the cases mentioned previously, and also with new information and new interventions that have been put in place to keep our Residents, Patients, Staff and Families/Visitors as safe as possible during this Covid surge in our Community, our Nation and our World.

Unfortunately, Staff Members whose lab results were pending, four results returned positive for Covid; and thankfully one was negative. Staff Members are currently quarantining and will be allowed to return after the quarantine period is over and have been symptom free for 72 hours. Upon PCR tests returning positive on the one Resident who tested positive on Maple 2, the facility took additional steps to test all Residents and Patients. We were able to identify four more Residents yesterday who tested positive. Though challenging, a lot of efforts from so many Team Members came together to make nine room changes with all the precautions necessary for safe transitions and expand the Covid Unit to be able to admit all Covid positive Residents into the Unit. These interventions and expansion successfully took place yesterday. We want to thank everyone directly and indirectly involved in making this happen. These interventions have helped minimize the risk of a wide-spread problem as they have helped contain the virus as much as possible. We understand the science of how the virus spreads, and how it takes some time for the virus to begin to take form, and symptoms to begin to show. Therefore, we will re-test all non-infected Residents and Patients once again on Tuesday. If all testes return negative, we will notify the Department of Health to see if it would like to see another round of testing after that, or if we can consider this event resolved; we will keep you posted.

Until then, we are encouraging all Residents and Patients to stay in their rooms and to wear a face covering when a Staff Member enters the room to provide them with care. Until we are cleared by the Department of Health, all dining services will be in-room. Activity packets will be provided by our Activities Department, and will be delivered door to door. Visitations will be granted for compassionate care only (end of life, emotional/psychological distress, behavior management, etc.) at visitor’s own risk. We will provide PPE for such visitations, and PPE must be worn for the entirety of the visit. We encourage Family Members and Friends to stay in touch with the Residents and Patients via phone and encourage them as much as possible. Window visits are acceptable for Residents and Patients on the first floor, but windows must remain shut. If this event lasts longer than Wednesday, our Activities Department will begin to offer virtual “face-time” visits which can be scheduled with our Activities Director.

We ask all our Family Members and Friends to be patient with the Staff and minimize calls to the Units as much as possible as our Staff have already been inundated with calls that keep them away from direct care of our Residents and Patients. If there is a change in condition with your loved one, a Team Member will make you aware as soon as possible and will share with you any appropriate interventions. Again, our number one priority is to keep our Patients, Residents, Staff, and You as safe as possible through this Pandemic. We appreciate your collaboration, compliance and discipline with all guidelines at this time.


At your service,

The Leadership Team at Shawnee PARC