COVID-19 Update 12.30.21


COVID-19 Update


Dear Patients, Residents, Family and Staff:

On behalf of Shawnee PARC, we wish all of you Happy Holidays! We would like to thank you for your diligence in promoting safety practices throughout this Pandemic and your continued discipline with mask wearing, social distancing, and hand washing. We cannot overstate the importance of following these guidelines as we are beginning to experience yet another wave of Covid. This type of Covid is easier to catch then the previous strands. And we continue to encourage safety first when it comes to community events, dining, visitations, etc.

We would like to inform you that, with cases on the rise, we also have two Staff Members who have tested positive for Covid, and four other Staff Members whom we are currently waiting for results. We are also awaiting results for one of our Residents who is currently symptom free, but had exposure by a family member. The family member was responsible enough to let us know right away; and that’s truly the expectation. We are grateful for transparency in these matters. If the lab test result returns positive for our Resident, we will take special transition precautions to our Covid Unit for further clinical and medical support. We have collaborated with the JOCO Department of Health on these cases for appropriate interventions. Staff Members are currently quarantining and will be allowed to return after the quarantine period is over and have been symptom free for 72 hours. Though we understand the Center for Disease Control and Kansas Department of Health are currently reviewing return to work practices at this time, we will keep you informed as more information comes available. Any Staff Members who had a potential exposure in this instance have started to test and will complete testing as appropriate. All Staff Members will be required to utilize reusable eye protection and KN95 or higher. There will be no need to quarantine any part of the building at this time so long as we don’t have any further Resident/Patient positive cases and all families and visitors wear their mask at all times.

With that being said, we also want to make you aware that our Covid Unit has been successfully expanded to care for up to 12 Patients at any given time. It couldn’t have come at a better time as we’re being to see another Covid wave rise in our area once again. We want to genuinely thank all the Staff that have been directly or indirectly involved in our Covid Unit once again and create a pinnacle of hope to the folks in our community that would otherwise not have a place to rehabilitate from this terrible virus.

Again, our number one priority is to keep our Patients, Residents and Staff as safe as possible through this Pandemic. Mandates, guidelines, practices, PPE, etc. are only as good and effective as Visitors and Patients/Residents who are willing to abide by them; we request that you do your very best to ensure the safest visitation/outing experience possible for the sake of yourself, your loved one, and for the rest of the facility and community, as exposure to the virus has the potential to spread through the entire building and expose many lives to having their health compromised and even death. Failure to follow safety practices could abruptly end your visit, and potentially your ability to have future visitations. We appreciate your compliance and discipline with all visitation and outing practices.

As always, thank you again for your continued confidence to care for your loved one and for supporting us in our efforts during this pandemic.


At your service,

The Leadership Team at Shawnee PARC